Birth Injuries and Medical Malpractice

We all expect the birth of a child to be a joyous event, but unfortunately, a baby could suffer from distress or an injury at any time. That is because labor and delivery is a rough process. A woman may be in labor for dozens of hours, which can take its toll on both the mother and the baby.

A baby can get stuck in the birth canal, causing a doctor to try to deliver it with force. This can cause the baby to suffer broken bones, nerve damage, and even brain damage.

When a doctor does not treat a patient with a normal standard of care, it may be considered medical malpractice. You may be able to file a lawsuit against the doctor and other negligent parties. Here’s a look at common birth injuries and how they are caused.

Types of Birth Injuries

Newborn babies may suffer from various birth injuries, such as:

  • Bone fractures. Fractures are caused by severe physical trauma. The clavicle, or collar bone, is the bone that is most commonly fractured during delivery, although broken arms and legs can also occur.
  • Brachial plexus injury. The brachial plexus includes five nerves that run from the neck to the chest and armpit. These nerves may stretch, pull, or tear during delivery, resulting in weakness and immobility. Shoulder dystocia is the most common brachial plexus injury.
  • Cerebral palsy. An infant may develop cerebral palsy due to damage to the brain. This may occur when medical staff doesn’t properly manage the umbilical cord, placenta, or uterine rupture.
  • Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. This refers to brain dysfunction due to a lack of blood flow or oxygen. It may cause developmental delays, epilepsy, and cognitive impairments.
  • When a doctor uses forceps or a vacuum extractor to remove a baby from the birth canal, this can place excessive pressure on the infant’s skull. This can cause blood vessels to rupture and blood to pool between the skull and skin. This can lead to seizures, head swelling, and pain.
  • Spinal cord injuries. Spinal injuries are uncommon in newborns but tend to happen in the neck. These injuries can cause immobility, spasms, and weakness.

What Causes These Injuries?

Birth injuries can happen in many ways, but they mostly occur when medical staff fail to do the following:

  • Anticipate birth complications, such as twisted umbilical cords
  • Treat maternal infections and health conditions during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes
  • Address oxygen deprivation, abnormal heart rates, and other types of fetal distress during delivery
  • Respond appropriately to maternal or fetal bleeding
  • Properly use medical equipment, such as vacuum extractors and forceps
  • Order a C-section when medically necessary
  • Properly care for the mother or infant after delivery

Contact Us Today

The birth of a child is supposed to be an exciting time, but in an instant, things can happen to the mother and the baby. A doctor’s negligence can cause serious or even lifelong injuries.

Healthcare providers should do no harm, but when they do, the personal injury attorneys at Power & Power Law will be at your side to help. Schedule a free consultation today. Give us a call at (907) 222-9990 or connect with us via email at