Wrongful Death Lawyers in Alaska

The death of a loved one is devastating when caused by the wrongful and avoidable conduct of another. We understand that spending time with loved ones and grieving the loss is your priority. That is why it is important to retain a wrongful death attorney as soon as possible to assist you in taking action. At Power & Power Law, we see it as our responsibility to protect the interests of families who have suffered such loss. Indeed, our attorneys have recovered millions for them.

Wrongful death lawsuits can help to provide closure to the survivors and ease the financial burden often experienced with loss.

After losing a loved one, survivors often question how and why. Our attorneys will investigate the causes of death and hold accountable the people and entities who could have avoided it. Working through this process with our attorneys can help to provide closure.

We also understand the hardships families encounter without the support of the deceased. The compensation from a wrongful death lawsuit can help ease this financial burden by seeking recovery for the loss of financial support, loss of assistance or services, loss of consortium, loss of prospective training and education, and medical and funeral expenses.

Wrongful death lawsuits are often a catalyst for change and make the community safer for other citizens.

Society imposes rules of conduct to protect us all. When a safety rule is violated and someone has caused loss, your taking action helps to ensure that safety rules will be followed in the future and that others will not be similarly harmed. Lawsuits reduce the likelihood that a company or person will break the safety rule again, and they reduce the likelihood that someone else will be harmed by the same safety violation.

Our wrongful death attorneys work tirelessly to hold responsible parties liable and to require those responsible for the death to consider their actions or inactions in causing the death and pay for the loss.

You are grieving your loss, but it is important to retain an attorney now.

When the death of a person is caused by the wrongful act or omission of another, the personal representative may maintain an action for the wrongful death. The action must commence within the two years after the death, notwithstanding some limited exceptions. This two-year time frame is called the statute of limitations. But it is important to retain an attorney right away to protect your interests and preserve evidence long before the statute of limitations deadline. When you work with Power & Power Law, you can rest assured that we are investigating the losses, preserving necessary evidence and protecting your rights to financial recovery while you focus on grieving the loss.

We promise you will pay nothing up front.

We never charge clients for initial consultations. In fact, our clients pay nothing for our services unless we recover money for them. We work solely on a contingency fee basis which means we get nothing until you do. As such, you can trust that we are working to maximize your recovery.

Protect yourself and your loved ones. Contact Power & Power Law today for a free initial consultation.