Motor Vehicle Accidents

No matter how safely you drive on Alaskan roads, there is no way to predict or protect yourself from the negligence of other drivers. If you were injured in a car accident because of a negligent driver, you should immediately contact the car accident attorneys at Power & Power Law.

Car Crashes

Car crashes result from a variety of different things including:

  • reckless or distracted driving
  • speeding
  • texting or talking on a cell phone
  • tailgating or other forms of aggression
  • drowsy driving
  • drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs
  • illegal driving maneuvers

When another person has caused the accident, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries including lost wages, medical bills, vehicle and other property damage, out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering, inconvenience and future care costs. But negotiating this compensation with an insurance company can be difficult and should not distract your focus from getting better. Our attorneys can help you get back to the life you deserve by managing your claim while you rehabilitate. Contact us today and join those who have collected millions because of our attorneys.

Trucking Accidents

If you have been injured in a truck accident involving a semi-truck, a tractor-trailer truck, or 18 wheeler, you are not alone. Every year accidents involving large trucks kill about 5,000 people and injure some 115,000 others. The injuries sustained can be devastating because of the vast weight difference between a large truck, espcially if fully loaded, and a general passenger vehicle, even if the impact was relatively slight.

Your accident may have been caused by the following:

  • The truck is traveling too fast for the conditions;
  • The truck is tailgating or following the vehicle in front of it too closely, resulting in a rear-end collision when the vehicle in front is required to come to an abrupt stop;
  • The truck’s brakes are old and worn or otherwise faulty and incapable of stopping the truck in time to avoid a collision;
  • The truck driver is fatigued and does not take the rest periods required by federal and state laws;
  • The truck driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • The truck driver is inattentive or distracted;
  • The trucker failed to yield the right of way before entering a roadway or making a turn;
  • The truck driver loses control of the truck for reasons that include a shifting load or inclement weather such as ice or high winds;
  • Poor maintenance such that the truck is not in a roadworthy condition;
  • The truck driver making an illegal manuever;

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists often suffer devasting injuries from motor vehicle accidents. With little protection between the biker and the roadway or other objects, a biker is eight times more liekly to be injured and 37 times more likely to die in an accident than a vehicle occupant. Three-fourths of motorcycle accidents involve collisions with another vehicle and about one-third of motorcycle crashes are a result of the other vehicle turning into the path of a motorcycle.

Though local motorcycle communities like A.B.A.T.E. of Alaska offer educational opportunities to motorcyclists, a biker cannot control the conduct of other drivers on the road. When those other drivers on the road are careless or negligent, the consequences can be catastrophic to the motorcyclist.

Pedestrian vs. Motor Vehicle Accident

From crossing the street downtown to jogging in your own neighborhood, pedestrian accidents can and do happen in Alaska. Whether caused by distracted or other negligent driving, walkers, runners and other pedestrians  often suffer serious physical injuries as a consequence of these accidents. Indeed, according to the Center of Disease Control, in 2015 over 5,000 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents in the United States. The CDC reported that, during that same year almost 129,000 pedestrians were treated in emergency rooms for non-fatal crash-related injuries.

The Anchorage personal injury attorneys at Power & Power law can help if you or your loved one was injured as a pedestrian. Alaska law gives broad protections to pedestrians, and we can help you access justice to get the compensation you deserve.

Cyclist v. Motor Vehicle Accident

When a bicycle accident is caused by distracted or negligent driving, if not fatal a cyclist can be left with catastrophic injuries including brain and spinal injuries. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration records a fatal injury to a bicyclist every six hours nationwide. Many of these tragic accidents could have easily been avoided.

Bicycle crashes and cyclist injuries can be caused by drunk driving, distracted driving, a driver’s failure to yield to the bicyclist. The injury to the cyclist can be devastating and result in medical bills, lost wages, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

Ride-Share Accidents

More and more people are depending on ride-share services such as Uber and Lyft to provide them transportation. If you or someone you love has been injured while a passenger in an Uber or Lyft, more insurance coverage than typically exists may be available to compensate you for your losses. This insurance is generally in excess of the limits applicable to the car crash.

Ultimately, you want the help of an attorney who understands how ride-share claims work and who can help you resolve them. Contact our car crash attorneys today for more information.

Bus Accidents

Whether an accident involves a bus, motor coach, tourist bus, school bus, private shuttle, or any other form of public or private transport, the bus accident attorneys at Power & Power Law can help.

Accordingy to the National Highway Traffice Safety Administration, approximately 300 fatal bus crashes occur annually in the United States. During Alaskan summers, the rise of tourism increases the risk to bus passengers and other drivers on the road.

When we board a bus, we rely on the bus driver to get us to our destination safely. The driver owes us the “utmost care” and “vigilance.” When an accident is caused by the driver’s negligence, recklessness, distracted diriving, or driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the driver and his company are liable for the injuries or death resulting from the accident.

If the accident is the result of a defective bus, including faulty brakes or improper bus maintenance, the bus company is liable for the injuries or death resulting from the accident.

We serve motor vehicle victims throughout Alaska

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident and you sustained  serious injury, it can be difficult to confidently work with insurance companies. At Power & Power Law, our award-winning attorneys understand your legal options and how to get you the maximum amount of money possible for your claim. You can also check out our FAQ page for answers to some basic questions about dealing with a car crash.

Maximize your compensation by hiring an attorney

You may think that since accidents are so common it isn’t necessary to hire an attorney. But in many cases, the insurance company of the negligent party will do everything in its power to pay the least amount possible. Insurance companies will sometimes present you with complex and incomplete information in order to settle your claim for the lowest amount possible. You may have losses that you don’t realize have economic value. Even very sophisticated people have difficulty effectively navigating the system.

At Power & Power Law, we believe you deserve the maximum amount of compensation and we are determined to provide you with a positive outcome to your case. Ultimately, having an Anchorage personal injury lawyer working on your case means you get to focus on getting better instead of dealing with the insurance company. With Power & Power Law’s award-winning attorneys, you can rest assured that someone is representing your best interest. When you hire Power & Power Law, we will help you understand the details of your case and get you the settlement you deserve.

Generally, payouts are larger when you hire an attorney

When you hire Power & Power Law, we will help you understand the details of your case and get you the settlement you deserve. On average, insurance payouts increase 350% for clients who have hired an attorney as compared to those without one. Moreover, 85% of all the dollars that are paid out by insurance companies for bodily injury claims from car accidents are paid to clients who have hired an attorney to represent them.

Average Total Payments for Auto-Accident Related Bodily InjuryClaims Increases 350% With the Assistance of An Attorney

With Attorney Assistance
Without Attorney

* Figures based on 2014 Insurance Research Council report "Attorney Involvement in Auto Injury Claims."

Skilled Alaskan Personal Injury Lawyers

The experienced lawyers at Power & Power Law have a proven track record of success dealing with car accident injuries and auto insurance companies. We’ve recovered millions for our clients. Our attorneys boast a perfect 10.0 AVVO rating and a results-based membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum

Our firm handles car accident cases, motorcyle crashes, trucking accidents, bus crashes, and bicyclist and pedestrian injuries that cause seriously physical injury including broken bones, paralysis, spinal injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. We represent families who have suffered wrongful deaths from car crashes. If you are the surviving family member of someone who died in a motor vehicle accident, we can help you.

It Costs You Nothing to Contact Us

It costs you nothing to contact the attorneys at Power & Power Law for a free consultation. Our Anchorage motor vehicle accident attorneys are prepared to start reviewing the details of your case to build a compelling claim on your behalf. And you will pay us nothing until we get you compensation. Get an edge in your case by hiring Power & Power Law.

Don’t hesitate to learn more about how we can help you resolve your car accident claim as quickly and effectively as possible. Call us at 907-222-9990 or connect with us via email at